A Buying Guide for Silver Antiques


This is an invaluable antique silver buying guide to help you reach a conclusion on the best item you wish to collect. Russian silver antiques collectors New York will ensure you have the required knowledge so you can come up with informed decisions while buying your products.

One thing you must know before you begin this journey is that on very rare occasions will you find a solid piece of silver. One of the initial steps is using a magnet which will attract silverplate and fail to respond to sterling. Here are some of the things to consider:

What is Your Style?

What is your taste? It would be useless to own a valuable item that you do not value or like. What is your lifestyle? You should know how often you will be using your silver. You can check on the design, the manufacturer, patterns, type and the era of the item.

What is Your Budget

If your budget cannot afford an item then this will just be a wish. Sterling is usually more expensive compared to silver-plated items. If you have just started, begin with silver- plated candy dishes, buttons, salt shakers and many others which are less expensive.

Know Their Value

A Russian enamel pictorial store can show you the value attached to a given item. You should know the silver hallmarks which will help in knowing the origin of a given item and the year it was made.

Look out also if the item is engraved - this will make them more valuable especially if they have a royal origin. In addition, authentication must happen and the melt value is established.

You can also watch out for the market trends so that you can purchase in a season when they are cheaper from the Russian enamel pictorial store.